Triple Forte

Triple Forte

Nick Forte Collection

The first three books of the Shamus-nominated Nick Forte series are gathered together here for the first time.

Follow Nick, his friends Goose, Sonny, Jan, Sharon, and especially daughter Caroline through their first three adventures:

A SMALL SACRIFICE (Shamus nominee)
THE MAN IN THE WINDOW (Shamus nominee)

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“This is the best mystery I have read in the last couple of years… I went out of my way to order my day so I could finish the book quickly.”

“It’s a kind of authorial magic that The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of works as a tribute and as a story, and that neither aspect interferes in the least with the other… I can imagine this book finding its way into a class on writing crime fiction as an example of how to pay tribute to one’s predecessors while at the same time writing a story that can stand on its own. It’s an impressive accomplishment.”
—Peter Rozovsky, Detectives Beyond Borders (December 18, 2014)

“Dana King’s private eye uses a steady string of wise-ass remarks and clever asides to keep you laughing and caring, reminding me every chapter of the greatest P.I. writer of all time, Raymond Chandler.”

Nick Forte series